Richie Narvaez

Los Sures, Part 5: Hell Is for Children

They told me the Devil killed my uncle Jesus. My older cousin Fátima told me, “The devil shot our father in the basement.” My aunt Religiosa had seven daughters, Eunice, Fátima, Judith, Mary, Magdalena, Novena, Ruth, and Sarah, and they lived in a house on Cornelia Street in Bushwick. They were very poor, and every time they came over my father told us to watch them. They always came over

Indian Summer Signing/Reading

Saucy Mistina Bates, salty Reed Farrel Coleman, and silly me read selections from and signed copies of Indian Country Noir at the Mysterious Bookshop, 58 Warren Street, NYC. Good selection of wine! Thanks to everyone who showed and imbibed, and of course thanks to the folks at Mysterious. Check out pics of the event at the Bookshop blog.