“Roachkiller” Review

Many, many thanks to Terrence McCauley for his very kind words in his review of Roachkiller and Other Stories. Here is an excerpt: “It’s an impressive group of entertaining and deep short stories that aren’t your typical crime fare. His work is ethnic without pandering. Realistic without being morose or bitter. It’s also subtly engaging and very fast moving without being obvious about it.” Read the entire review here.

Roachkiller Lives!

My ebook collection of short stories Roachkiller and Other Stories is now available on Amazon Kindle, B&N Nook, the iBookstore (epub), Smashwords (all formats), and Kobo (epub). An individual story, “Hurricane” (Anglicized from “Juracán”) is also available. Get it! Get it now! Here is the press release (Anthony Neil Smith and Manuel Ramos were kind enough to allow me to use their words to help promote the book): The debut