Richie Narvaez


This story was originally published in Nightmare Illustrated and has been republished several times. I thought I’d add it here temporarily, for your Halloween reading pleasure. The Old Haunt by Richie Narvaez WITH HORROR, Grace realized that she was dead, and that she was now a ghost, and that she would be doomed to haunt the dark, dank, dusty halls of Chuffnuttington Manor for all eternity. What would become of

The Accent Is on Spec Fic: LATIN@ RISING

As much as I hate to plug a book before it is physically in my hands (a superstitious, pessimistic git am I), Latin@ Rising is on the horizon, due out February 2017. This anthology of Latin@ speculative fiction was edited by Matthew David Goodwin, who successfully launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund it. The anthology features works by: Kathleen Alcalá, Pablo Brescia, Pedro Zagitt, Sabrina Vourvoulias, Daína Chaviano, ADÁL, Ana Castillo, Ernest Hogan, Junot