Richie Narvaez

Latinx Dark Fiction Bundle

Celebrate Latinx Book Month with a bundle of Latinx Dark Fiction books via StoryBundle, including Hipster Death Rattle. V. Castro, author of Maria the Wanted, was kind enough to invite me. Here’s the dilio: Go to You decide what price you want to pay. For $5 (or more, if you’re feeling generous), you’ll get the basic bundle of four books in any ebook format. • The Chaos by Sergio


Like many of you, I’ve found some time on my hands in the last few weeks (saved subway time for me, mostly). And so I decided to finish up a project that’s been on my desktop for a while. The rights to my first book of short stores were kicked back to me, so I updated the text and cover and, perhaps foolishly, republished it on my own. So, while